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This project was inspired by "Where is the R Activity?" and my follow-up post on the number of useR! 2013 attandees. But instead of static maps, now we gathered bunch of R-related data from a variety of different sources to create some interactive cartograms to highlight the focus of R activity from various points of view. is highly welcomed and please feel free to reach out on the social networks (me, LI, G+, GH) with a message.


Please choose a variable from the list in the above menu (hover your mouse over the blue triangle) to render a distorted map of the world's countries. The label of the selected variable will be shown at the bottom of the page. The color on the map represents the high (blue) and low (red) values. Hover the mouse over any country to see some other related date.


Data was collected from from a variety of different sources (see the references below), and then merged to one dataset with R after collecting, identifying, cleaning and standardizing the country names to (ISO 3166-1 numeric). The size of the distorted polygons (aka. cartogram) reflects the relative size of the chosen scale for each country, where the power of distortion is based on the iterations set for the computations.

The general scores were computed by the sum of related values (like R Foundation members or all package downloads) divided by the population size multiplied by 1,000 to get the number of values per 1,000 people. The overall score represents the scaled mean of these values.



This visualization was built by using open-source softwares and free data. The sources are available on request at this time, but will also be published without restrictions on GitHub as soon as I clean-up my project directory. Until then, please feel free to download the compiled dataset.
